Student Learning to Advance Truth and Education

Sculpture next to a building

Engaging undergraduates in transformative learning.

Launched in fall 2020, Student Learning to Advance Truth and Education (IAAR-SLATE) is an initiative designed to engage undergraduates in critical understanding. We aim to create a dynamic, robust, and transformative environment that centers learning about difference through evidence-based, interdisciplinary, and community-engaged ways of knowing as well as struggles for essential issues of our times. Focusing on these topical areas, IAAR-SLATE provides students with novel learning opportunities through three program components: research, coursework, and community-led experiences.

Coursework Component

IAAR-SLATE’s Coursework Component builds a network of courses to engage the program’s topics through student classroom experiences. For 2020-2021, more than 25 faculty have connected their courses to IAAR-SLATE by agreeing to include on their syllabi three shared, intersecting assignments across all IAAR-SLATE courses. They are a way to connect students across diverse classes, expanding the dialogue beyond a single classroom. Additionally, through a variety of convenings and activities, students in IAAR-SLATE courses have an opportunity to meet authors, filmmakers, and other special guests who are directly related to the material assigned in their classes.

Research Components

All IAAR-SLATE components are informed and shaped by research, but our Research Component provides undergraduates with direct research experience. During the summer, a selected cohort of students pursue original, independent, scholarly research on a topic of their choosing. Students’ research is guided by a UNC faculty member, whose own research IAAR-SLATE also supports during the summer.  In the Fall, students present their research at an undergraduate research symposium open to the entire campus and broader community.